Fashion Video made for famous Ukrainian Fashion Designer Olga Navrotska
This video is about the dialogue of the dark and light sides, about their inseparable connection. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow where the Owl became a guide between the two sides.
Most of the costumes were created specifically for the video, some are provided by NAVRO fashion brand. Designed in Ukraine, NAVRO is a luxury women’s ready-to-wear brand constructed from the finest materials, decorated with hand-made embroidery, and accented by unique graphic prints.
This video is about the dialogue of the dark and light sides, about their inseparable connection. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow where the Owl became a guide between the two sides.
Most of the costumes were created specifically for the video, some are provided by NAVRO fashion brand. Designed in Ukraine, NAVRO is a luxury women’s ready-to-wear brand constructed from the finest materials, decorated with hand-made embroidery, and accented by unique graphic prints.