02232, Zakrevskogo st. 22


100102,Chaoyang, Wangjing Soho, T2


338 City Rd, EC1V 2PY


AlObeikan Tower, 8474 King Fahd, Al Olaya, 12333






Dr Vaseegaran (Rajinikanth) and his android assistant Nila (Amy Jackson) are called in for help after mobiles start mysteriously flying out of the hands of people in Chennai. Vaseegaran summons his trusted robot Chitti (Rajinikanth) to ward off the bird-shaped supernatural powers of Pakshirajan (Akshay Kumar).

Second step

POSTMODERN develops world-class VFX, and specializes in creating realistic models of military equipment, environment area, and animalistic characters, using the latest technologies, and and develops our own approaches to solving issues we get to face.

POSTMODERN develops world-class VFX, and specializes in creating realistic models of military equipment, environment area, and animalistic characters, using the latest technologies, and and develops our own approaches to solving issues we get to face.

Directed By

Mark Achbar • Jennifer Abbott

Sound Designer & Music Supervisor

Velcrow Ripper

Associate Producers

Joel Bakan • Dawn Brett


Cari Green • Nathan Neumer • Tom Shandel

Narration Written By

Harold Crooks • Joel Bakan • Mark Achbar


Mikela J. Mikael

Commissioning Editor, Tvo

Rudy Buttignol

Edited By

Jennifer Abbott

Based On The Book By Joel Bakan

The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit Of Profit And Power

Written By

Joel Bakan

Produced By

Mark Achbar • Bart Simpson

Original Music

Leonard J. Paul

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